How to Increase Estrogen

Estrogen is a natural hormone found in both men and women. Keeping estrogen at a healthy level is important for both sexes, but women need more estrogen for normal bodily functions, such as conceiving children. During menopause, estrogen levels in women decrease significantly. The methods for how to increase estrogen levels are the same for men and women, although men have a lower capacity for acquiring the hormone. Learn about how simple changes to your lifestyle and diet may increase your estrogen.

Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

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    Visit your doctor to determine your estrogen levels. Before you start an estrogen treatment program, ask your doctor about the effects of estrogen on your body. While estrogen insufficiency can result in problems, too much estrogen (called estrogen dominance) has been linked to menstrual disturbances, ovarian cysts, and breast cancer.[1]
    • If you are experiencing hormonal imbalances, a doctor can prescribe blood tests to determine if low levels of estrogen is the problem. Normal estrogen levels in women prior to menopause range from 50 pg/mL to 400 pg/mL. If your estrogen levels are below 100 pg/mL, you might experience symptoms of menopause like hot flashes.
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    Quit smoking. Smoking may have negative effects on the endocrine system, limiting the body's ability to produce estrogen effectively.[2] Smoking in pre-menopausal women has been linked with menstrual dysfunction, infertility, and earlier menopause.[2]
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    Start exercising moderately. Exercise has been linked to a drop in estrogen levels. Avoid excessive exercising, but get regular exercise in. Not only is moderate exercise healthy, it may also decrease the risk of breast cancer in women and increase overall longevity.[3][3] and overall longevity[4]
    • Athletes may experience a drop in estrogen levels. This is because women with low levels of body fat have more trouble producing estrogen. If you are an athlete or have low body fat levels, see your doctor for an good way to replenish your estrogen.[5]

Part 2 of 3: Changing Your Diet

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    Maintain a healthy diet. Your endocrine system needs a healthy body in order to work properly and produce normal levels of estrogen. Eat a wide variety of fresh, organic foods to give your system the best chance to naturally produce estrogen.
    • Eating additional lean protein, and foods low in fat and high in fiber, can increase your estrogen levels
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    Eat soy and drink soy milk. Soybean products, especially tofu, have been shown to increase estrogen levels. Soy can balance hormone levels, which means increasing estrogen in men or women with low levels. Soy milk and foods made from soybeans are located in the dairy section at most grocery stores. Other soy products you might incorporate into your diet include[6]:
    • Edamame
    • Miso, in small amounts
    • Soy nuts
    • Tempeh
    • Textured Soy Product (TSP), or foods made from textured soy flour.
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    Eat nutrient-rich foods. There are several fruits and vegetables that can help raise your estrogen levels. While most of these aren't as effective as eating soy or flax, it should be easy to fit several into your diet on a daily basis. Start eating:[7]
    • broccoli
    • winter squash
    • garlic
    • green beans
    • cassava root
    • yams and sweet potatoes
    • dried apricots
    • raspberries
    • strawberries
    • peaches
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    Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar can lead to a hormone imbalance in the body.[8] When you eat simple carbohydrates, your body converts it into sugar. Switch to a low-carb, whole-grain diet.
    • For example, instead of white flour, opt for whole grain flour. Use whole grain pasta or brown rice.
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    Drink coffee. Women who drink more than two cups of coffee (200 mg of caffeine) per day may have higher estrogen levels than women who don't. While caffeine may increase estrogen levels, it does not seem to increase fertility. If you're trying to increase estrogen in order to ovulate, coffee and caffeine may not help much.[9]
    • Use organic coffee. Most coffee is a heavily sprayed crop, so drinking organic coffee should reduce your exposure to herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Use unbleached filters. Many white coffee filters contain bleach that can leach out into the final product, so try to find unbleached coffee filters for a safer brew.

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    Take chasteberry supplements. This herb can be found in pill form in most health stores. Follow the package instructions for the specific dosage. Chasteberry is used and shown to reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including severe premenstrual disorder. Understand that chasteberry has not been proven to reduce menopausal symptoms, increase lactation, or increase fertility.[10]
    • Avoid taking chasteberry if you are using: birth control pills, antipsychotic drugs, medications used to treat Parkinson's disease, or Metoclopramide, a dopamine-affecting drug.
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    Choose foods that are high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens act like an estrogen substitute in the body and occur naturally in several plants and herbs. Consider using phytoestrogens if you're trying to alleviate symptoms of low estrogen levels, or menopause. Take phytoestrogens in moderation. You may actually want to avoid phytoestrogens if you're trying to conceive. Phytoestrogens have been linked to infertility and developmental problems. [11] Foods and herbs that contain phytoestrogens include:[12][13]
    • legumes: soybeans, peas, pinto and lima beans
    • fruits: cranberries, prunes, apricots
    • herbs: oregano, black cohosh, sage, licorice,
    • whole grains
    • vegetables: broccoli and cauliflower[14]
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    Make an herbal tea. Several herbal teas or tisanes can increase your estrogen levels. Steep the herbs in a cup of hot water for five minutes. These herbs can increase your estrogen levels:[15]
    • spearmint
    • kelp
    • agnus castus
    • arame
    • wakame
    • sea palm
    • alaria
    • agar agar
    • dulse
    • carrageenan
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    Eat flax seeds. Flax seeds have one of the highest concentrations of phytoestrogens. Eat up to 1/2 cup of ground flax seeds to get the most effect. They're also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.[16]
    • Adding flax seed to your breakfast cereal or in healthy smoothies is a good way to easily eat the seed.

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